Book news…

So I went buck wild and re-edited the proof. I called it quits last night and uploaded my files. This morning I ordered what I hope is the final proof. Really. I am done. Stick a fork in me!

How is it that each time I printed the dang thing out, I kept finding errors and issues and things that needed fixing. I am sure if I printed it out one last time, I would have found additional things to change. I have no idea how real authors do it. How were books written prior to Word? Did it all just flow out of Emily Bronte perfectly the first time?

Oh, and my mother said the sweetest thing to me today. “Donna, did you hear about Japan? They are saying that the radiation may hit us over here! Your father has decided to buy liquid iodine just in case. You should head over to the pharmacy and buy some, too. All you need is a couple drops in a glass of water. You look thyroid-y anyway, it might do you good.”

I had a bit of an epiphany the other day: I am doing pretty darn good. I am running my own business. I am speaking in front of groups. I wrote a book. It’s like my dream came true and I wasn’t paying any attention to it. Instead I was concentrating on my messy house and other not so perfect things in my life. It’s strange how that happens. I feel like a loser yet I am doing what I always wanted to do. Maybe it’s time to try some gratitude on for size?

2 thoughts on “Book news…

  1. gomer

    Some self-congratulations are probably in order…as is a healthy affirmation of just how fast things could change. From a macro (natural disaster) to micro (health problem), things can change in a heartbeat.

  2. Donna Post author

    Absolutely! That’s why I said gratitude… wallowing in what’s missing isn’t healthy, especially when things could be MUCH worse.

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