Syria – Se tu non sei con me

As usual, Michael F stepped up to the plate and came home the winner! He found the Wonder Woman music video!


3 thoughts on “Syria – Se tu non sei con me

  1. B. Davis

    Thanks for educating me about this European pop tart.
    My sources (Amazon. com, for instance) say that
    Syria is Italian. Thank goodness there’s no Syrian named Italia ’cause that would be confusing.
    I found a link showing Ms. Syria posing topless for Rolling Stone magazine (Italian version? Syrian version?). Seeing as how Donnaville is safe for the whole family I’ll leave it up to your readers to track those dirty pics down. I’ve become an instant fan of the Italian Syria.

  2. Donna Post author

    Ahhhh, she’s Italian! That could explain why I struck out finding her searching for “Spanish Singer.” I just assumed she was Spanish… In a somewhat related manner, a girl recently asked me if my “heritage was mixed…. like white and Columbian.”

  3. B. Davis

    Syria is described as multi-lingual. A Spanish singing Italian name Syria is a rare and confusing combination indeed. In a somewhat related manner, aren’t you thrilled that a confused person thought you were reminiscent of either a. Shakira or b. a South American drug cartel kingpin? Do you make a great cup of coffee? Do you chew on coca leaves? Can you shake your groove thang?

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