I am ready to leave the house for another day of work. Last night, on the train home, I had such great evening plans. I decided I would make myself dinner, take Bo for a walk, clean up my room, finally pay the bills I’ve been putting off, watch a little television and finally before going to bed, I would do a few work-related things to make the next day easier. I got home and rather than making myself a nice dinner, I scavenged through the fridge and placed a couple items into my mouth. Bo was looking needy and so I took him for a nice walk. The thing is, that’s when everything really broke down. I went to my bedroom and reasoned that if I could just rest for a few minutes I could get back to my plan at a better state of mind. What baloney! I immediately lost all momentum and stayed in bed for the rest of the evening. I kept looking around, trying to motivate myself to get up and at least put some of the clothes away. Right after I removed my make up and washed my face, ready to go to sleep, I forced myself to put away the clothes that were littering the trunk at the foot of my bed. I am not proud, this was no accomplishment. This was a far cry from what I had planned. I find I do this at work too. I think maybe the real problem is I set unrealistic goals for myself. Perhaps I need to just aim lower? Had I instead planned to eat food, walk dog, put away clothes, I would have come out on top.

Lesson learned: Don’t aim too high.

2 thoughts on “TIME!

  1. B. Davis

    One word: Chocolate.

    It soothes the soul, and for most women it’s (allegedly) better than sex.

    So eat lots and lots of it. Pretty soon you won’t care that life isn’t
    a bowl of cherries.

    Sad to say, I can relate to your plight. This evening I indulged in a tall glass of beer. Another tall glass of beer might very well be on the horizon.

    “Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them.”
    Henry David Thoreau

    Damn, what a downer. I think I’ll quote Pee Wee Herman next time.

  2. Audra

    Donna, just look in the mirror and say, ‘I forgive you.” Don’t be so hard on yourself!

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