Circular Clutter

Every week, a huge pile of weekly sales circulars arrive in my mailbox. I take the pile and throw it into a basket next to my front door. Every other month or so, I take all the circulars, put them into a brown paper bag and throw them out. This has been going on since I moved into the Donnavilla. Just now, I thought to myself, I wonder if there is a way to opt out of this craziness? I examined the front page that bands all the circulars together and in very small print I saw a company name, ADVO. I visited their Web site and sure enough, they have an opt out option! I entered my information and a window opened and said I would stop receiving the ads within 6-10 weeks! I am so happy! I don’t know if this company controls all the circulars that flow through this world but just in case they do, here is the URL to opt out. Do it not for Al Gore but to keep your house a little less cluttered.

One thought on “Circular Clutter

  1. Martin Krewinkel

    Here is what I do for those that have a business reply envelope: Just put NO or any negating comment on the card or whatever piece of paper is used, put it in the envelope and send it to the advertiser. You don’t have to pay the stamp. The advertiser pays it.

    I had a pretty good success with it. Most advertiser don’t try again because it costs them money which the post office charges them.

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