Tell me about it, Stud

We survived Hurricane Sandy. There was a lot of wind and a lot of rain. Neighbors had issues with trees down and stuff but my mom and I were spared with very little damage. I have a stain on my ceiling from a leak that I have to tell my HOA about and the trunk of my car is acting funny but that’s it.

I spent the storm with my mom and Lisa. There’s was a part of me that wanted to stay at home and get stuff done… stuff like cleaning out my closets. When the power went off at my place and I realized I had no food at all, driving to mom’s seemed like an awesome idea.

Lisa and I walked around the house and secured the property. When the winds picked up, we went inside, and hunkered down. Food and wine and food and wine. It felt quite a bit like a slumber party until the power went off at around 6pm. No more frozen margaritas!

I slept in the guest room and woke up alive. The storm was gone along with power and cable and cell phone reception. It felt odd being so disconnected. Eventually I drove around trying to pick up a stray wifi signal. The roads looked post-apocalyptic. Signs gone, traffic lights askew, branches everywhere.

At around dinner time I decided it was time to check on my place. Not only was it fine but the power was back on. Everything was back to normal. It took my mom until last night to get her power back. I think they are still waiting on cable.