Fairly Godmother

So Audra asked me to be Godmother to her youngest daughter… and I am absolutely FRIGHTENED to call my priest and ask for the “Good Catholic Girl” certificate. Why am I frightened? I HAVEN’T BEEN TO CHURCH, for church’s sake, in… oh… over a DECADE! Sure, I’ve shown up on assorted holidays as well as some weddings and some funerals, but I go because I have to go, not because I want to go. Father Myron will undoubtedly scold me AND he may even ask me to start coming more regularly.

I consider myself a Catholic but more along the lines of how non-religious Jews consider themselves Jewish… it’s more a heritage thing. I have a feeling Father Myron isn’t going to buy this reasoning. I guess rather than sitting here and worrying, I should just call up and ask for the gosh darn certificate and see what he has to say. I may be fretting for no reason.

Wikipedia states:

Traditionally, godparents were informally responsible for ensuring the child’s religious education was carried out, and for caring for the child should it be orphaned. Today, the word godparent might not have explicitly religious overtones. The modern view of a godparent tends to be an individual chosen by the parents to take an interest in the child’s upbringing and personal development.[1]

Which gets me to another point… I am going to admit it, I’ve always been a bit miffed that none of my cousins asked me to be a godmother to any of their kids. All of them had a ton of kids… towards the end I am sure they were hurting for godparents! It would have been a really nice gesture, you know? A way of solidifying our relationship and keeping me engaged and connected to the fracturing family. Whatever.

Besides, they can go suck eggs because I am going to be a Godparent to lil’ Fifi! As long as the priest gives me that darn certificate.

3 thoughts on “Fairly Godmother

  1. Gomer

    It’s an honor. Relish in the trust placed in you, and godforbid it is ever needed, perform the duty to the utmost of your ability.

  2. Jamiesen

    Being both a momny and godmother, the 2 can be fun, educational and stressful. I think you will love it most times and dislike it only a few times.

  3. Kozaburo

    It is an honor but also a responsibility. Strictly speaking, the code of canon law for Eastern (Catholic) Churches says that the Godparent has to be an active Catholic for that reason. This was a challenge for my wife and I when we had our daughter, as my siblings (my wife has none) don’t go to church. Don’t “reason” with your priest thus, as your argument will probably be offensive to a man who gave his life to his Church

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