2010 ends, 2011 begins…

It’s hard to believe another year has passed.  They fly by so quickly.  Can you believe little Bo is 6 years old today?  Why it doesn’t feel like 6 years have gone by since we made that crazy trek out to Amish country to pick between him and his butter-colored brother.  It’s over a year since I started my own business.  Over two years since I was laid off…. the second time (and I rarely think of the third time).

What did I accomplish in 2010?  True autonomy and independence.  I relied on no one- not a person, not a company.  And I discovered that I actually have marketable skills.  And I am going to keep this going for as long as I can.

How did I do on those 2010 New Year’s Resolutions?  Let’s see:

Donna’s Resolutions for 2010

Independent Business Success
2009 saw me start my own business. 2010 will be the year that I become totally independent. My business will be enough to support me. I will make enough money from it to live comfortably and save for the future. I will work with people and businesses I like. I will work on projects that I believe in. I will be comfortable with my decisions. I will love what I do.

SUCCESS!  I hit a couple stumbling blocks where I took jobs with people that I don’t like/trust/believe in and I now regret it but I will do better next time.

Stay Calm, Have Fun, Enjoy Life

No need to get worked up over silly things. Stay calm and enjoy your life. Get out. Push away from the computer. Have fun! Spend time with friends and family. Pet Bo.

Semi-Success.  I was doing better with this toward the beginning of the year.  Sometime in mid-summer all hell broke lose and I became a raging workaholic and everything I strove for in terms of staying calm, having fun and enjoying life went out the window.

Travel More
I will explore. I will go places I haven’t been. I will see different places and meet new people.

Success.  I traveled a bit.  Pookie and I went biking in Jim Thorpe, we toured Quebec City, we visited Myrtle Beach and roamed Charlestown.  We hit NYC and Pittsburgh.

I will write an eBook. I have a subject in mind, just gotta sit down and do it.

Success!  I wrote my eBook and have actually sold copies of it!

Course on Graphic Design/Website Design
I will take a class or two and really solidify my knowledge on these subjects.

Epic Fail. Didn’t do it at all.  Didn’t even attempt it.

Artistic Endeavors
I will draw, sketch and paint more. I will sing. I will write. I will go to concerts. I will express myself creatively.

Semi-Success.  I sketch a bit.  I rarely paint.  I can’t remember the last time I turned the radio on and unabashedly sung along while wiggling my ass.  I went to some concerts– The Red Elvises… was that it?!?!  No way!  Okay, turns out this resolution was an Epic Fail.

Keep aware of my money and invest wisely.

Epic Fail.  I don’t wish to discuss.

Exercise, Be Fit, Feel Good
Last year I began exercising and it did me a world of good. I will continue to exercise and eat right.

Success that turned into an Epic Fail.  I was doing well.  I was exercising 3 – 4 nights a week and loving it.  Then my Zumba instructor quit and work became overbearing and I no longer was looking forward to going to the gym without Zumba to tempt me and so I didn’t go and next thing I know, I haven’t been to La Fitness in over 3 months.  Dang-it.

Law of Attraction
I’ve decided to really use the Law of Attraction. I will wallow in positivity. I will attract my dreams. I will vibrate at a high, healthy frequency.

I feel like I have done a pretty good job with this… but I could do better.  It’s true I was cornered the other day and told that it’s clear I am in the midst of a depression.  And I am sad that certain things haven’t gone the way I intended.  But, on a whole, I have attracted A LOT OF GOOD!  I am proud of what I have been able to achieve.

Donna’s Resolutions for 2011

Continued Independent Business Success

My business will continue to support me.  I will make more money than I need.  I will work with people I like, respect and believe in.  Clients will seek me out.  I love what I do.

Paid Public Speaker and Join Toastmasters

I will continue my public speaking, the main difference is I will get paid for my engagements.  I will also join Toastmasters to improve my speaking.

Published Author

I wrote the eBook, now it’s time to get it published for real.  Plus, this is what will get me paid speaking engagements.  DEADLINE: FEBRUARY.

Course on Graphic Design/Website Design

Just do it.  Figure it out and do it.

Stay Calm, Have Fun, Enjoy Life, Paint, Sketch, Sing, Dance, Walk, Breath, Smile, Love

I will push away from the computer.  I will emit a Buddhist-like serenity and calmness.  I will smile and be happy and enjoy myself.  I will say yes to opportunities and have fun.


Stop collecting. Stop hanging on to things I don’t need.  Release items back into the world for others to enjoy.  Clear out clutter and distraction.  It’s time to make my world easier to render, kill old tasks, free up computing resources for newer, better, richer experiences.  (Thank you Steve Pavlina)

Do things quickly, despite initial discomfort

Yeah, I am talking about this insane procrastination.  End it.

Exercise, Be Fit, Feel Good, Move, Stretch, Eat right

Good things happen when you move– so do it.

Determine exactly what I want– and make it happen

Know the answer to What would I do if I won a million dollars?   And then rather than wait until I have a million dollars– just do it now.

And Lastly…

My favorite entry from the last year? There was no competition… hands down this doozy was the winner.

2 thoughts on “2010 ends, 2011 begins…

  1. B. Davis

    “I gotta pee”. Yep, that was a nice way to close
    Donna’s Ultimate Deep Thoughts journal. But right now
    you need to fully appreciate and enjoy your ability to control your bodily functions, ’cause one day you’ll be introduced to Mr. Depends. (That means “Exercise, Be Fit, Feel Good, Move, Stretch” all you can NOW).

    Hey, I got plenty of older relatives. I KNOW what the future has in store 🙂

  2. Pingback: 2011 Ends. Onward to 2012 — donnaville

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