The Wheels are Rolling!

I opened up a business checking account today. Used my Social Security number. I gotta get a Federal Tax ID. I think. I want to go the LLC route because apparently if I am sued my personal assets are protected that way. There’s this lawyer who told me it would cost 800.00 to have him do it for me. But LegalZoom is only 140.00. That’s quite a huge difference in price. And for an extra 100.00 I get: Deluxe LLC Kit embossed with your company name, Official company seal, 20 customized membership certificates with transfer ledger, and Microsoft Accounting Express 2009 (which has been discontinued).

I really wish I had a lawyer in my family.

One thought on “The Wheels are Rolling!

  1. B. Davis

    My brother’s an attorney, but he prosecutes murder cases.
    That’s the sort of attorney most people hope they’ll never need 🙂

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