More Highlander

I am now watching episode 3, first season of Highlander. This is the one with Dustin Nguyen, you know, Officer Harry Truman Ioki from 21 Jump Street. I may have to queue up some 21 Jump Street episodes when I get sick of Highlander. That’ll never happen. I am enjoying watching Highlander. It’s been 17 years since I last saw these episodes! The thing I am finding absolutely fascinating is how high everyone wore their jeans. Watching these shows is taking me back to my time spent at Rosemont College. My old roommate, Catherine the Red, and I watched Highlander, Forever Knight and Superman with absolute devotion! Highlander came on Saturday mornings. I sat desk at Mayfield and I tuned in weekly! Does that sentence make sense to anyone but a Rosemonster? Sitting desk meant you were paid to sit and watch the dorm entrance. Mayfield was one of the dorms. Any man entering the dorm had to be signed in and out. Those guys remaining after curfew were then fetched and taken down to the cots in the basement lest any of our girls be put in a sinful situation. In all of my four years, I only signed in TWO guys. One was a friend of my sister and the other was an actor I got to play lead in the play I wrote and produced. And they both left well before curfew. I did have a guy pick me up once. Yeah I went on a date. WAIT! I went on two dates. The one guy was from Audra’s Star Trek fan club and he was so ugly that I was embarrassed to even stand next to him. He took me to see Il postino. I now wonder if maybe, even in all his Quasimodo glory, he was my soul mate but I was too “lookist” to notice. Nah. The more I think about it the more I remember how he confided in me that he enjoyed exposing himself to strangers. Yeah, he was ugly and screwed up. DANG IT! My little cousins read my entries and I really shouldn’t have wrote that… now I feel ashamed AND DIRTY! What was I even writing about to begin with? Highlander and Catherine the Red. Yeah, I look back very fondly on that time. We used to squeal and laugh at the silliness of the episodes. She recently (probably over a year ago) found me through the Rosemont Directory, found my blog and read some of the old entries I wrote in which she featured. She was terribly upset. And she had the right. She searched for Rosemont and all my entries in which she was mentioned showed up one after the other and it really did seem like I was mocking her. But I wasn’t. She had reached out a few years back and I responded but she never answered and I couldn’t figure out why she would reach out if she had no interest in responding. And I blogged about it. I think if you look at the entries spanning many many months, what I wrote was very innocuous but taken one right after the other it seems crazy. I felt super bad then and I have to admit I’ve carried it with me. So I drank too much Chardonnay and am watching Highlander and I finally decided to put it out there. So be it. Like I said, I really do look back fondly on that time in my life. I miss it to some extent.