Dang it

I read the eBook, Blog and Make Cash last night. I think it would be a good starter for someone who isn’t familiar with the Internet. Apparently I know a lot more than I thought. Heck, I could have written that eBook. Twenty bucks down the drain. What really ticks me off is I stumbled upon a blog that recommended it and I foolishly assumed it was a real recommendation. Turns out that recommendation was written by the author. Yeah, I should have known better.

8 thoughts on “Dang it

  1. B. Davis

    I’m still in awe of the college student who ignored
    the naysayers and sold
    a million pixels for $1 per


    “It can’t be done. Nobody will pay you a dollar for a tiny slice of a homepage”.

    Just like everyone told Ross Perot that no company would pay him to outsource their computer services. He received
    78 rejection letters before a company accepted his offer.
    Today Electronic Data Systems has over 100,000 employees.

    All it takes is one great idea…now help me find it!

  2. Donna Post author

    I agree— help me find it! I keep racking my brain, hoping to come up with something. But even if I did, I am not sure if I would know how to even proceed. Great ideas also need a person who knows how to implement it.

  3. B. Davis

    If I find it, and you implement it (or vice versa)
    that’s synergy.

    Beware those scam artists that want you to submit your
    great product idea or invention to them.
    Hey, I’ll only take 10%

  4. B. Davis

    Another one of those “I wish I’d thought of that” moments…

    RALEIGH, N.C. (Jan. 21) – Web developer George Huger says he turned $5 into $35,000 when he bought the expired Internet domain name for former President George W. Bush’s presidential library and then sold it back.
    The News & Observer of Raleigh reports Tuesday that Huger was searching through a list of expiring domain names two years ago when he noticed the Web address http://www.GeorgeWBushLibrary.com was about to expire.

  5. Pingback: Adcents… keepin’ those pennies rollin’ in — donnaville

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