Christmas Carol Solo

I’ve been tuning in to XM Radio’s Christmas channels, Holly and Holiday Traditional. I love almost all Christmas Carols– however the longer I listen, the more I realize there’s really only about 10 Christmas songs that just keep cycling over and over and over again. I don’t mind the constant repetition although there is one Christmas song that I HATE and I will change the station so fast that I will willingly listen to Gangsta rap than listen to… “So This is Christmas, and what have you done?” I swear, I get enough pressure and guilt trips in my life that I don’t need John Lennon or Sarah McLaughlin or whoever else sings a version of this song laying into me.

Speaking of pressure, I recently finished the latest edition of Vogue, the one with Jennifer Aniston on the cover saying what Angelina did was so very “uncool.” Oddly enough, there’s some stuff in the interview that absolutely resonated with me:

“…this idea that I’m so unlucky in love? I actually feel I’ve been unbelievably lucky in love. Just because at this stage my life doesn’t have the traditional framework to it—the husband and the two kids and the house in Connecticut—it’s mine. It’s my experience. And if you don’t like the way it looks, then stop looking at it! Because I feel good. I don’t feel like I’m supposed to be any further along or somewhere that I’m not. I’m right where I’m supposed to be.”

What an awesome thing to say! Go Rachel!