
Everything that could go wrong yesterday, went horribly wrong. First it was finding that the security tag wasn’t removed from Rob’s shirt that we bought a week ago. He removed the tag and ink splattered everywhere. Walking out to my car, we found it sitting in a pool of antifreeze. Driving to the church in Rob’s car, we missed our first exit by MILES and had to turn around. We were late but it seemed like maybe we were finally on track. We turned onto the final road and we kept a close lookout for the church. Next thing I know we are on the wrong road. We attempt to turn around but we found ourselves driving on a series of one way roads and before I know it, I am completely confused as to which way we had even come from. We found a street that seemed similar to the one we were supposed to be on but it led us into a royally bad section of town. We asked a couple people for directions but they said, “No comprendo!” We drove to two different gas stations but they were locked tight. My father and Aunt Helen and Cousin David tried to direct us by cell phone but we were less than helpful since we had ABSOLUTELY NO CLUE WHERE WE WERE EVEN LOCATED. The baptism was over and the food at my cousin’s house had been served. Rob saw a sign for the Garden State Parkway and I said, “Let’s just go home!” And home we went completely missing Preston’s Christening. The entire experience was overwhelmingly frustrating. I was angry and sad and I felt so completely helpless. My father said this teaches me the lesson to always be prepared. If we only had a map none of this would have occurred.

4 thoughts on “Lost

  1. B. Davis

    Or maybe the phrase is “Mr. Grant Mr. Grant”.

    Frustrated, helpless, angry, and sad. And then stir some New Jersey into that toil and trouble.

    Sounds rotten, but I’d trade your day for mine in a heartbeat.

  2. Audra

    On the bright side, you and Rob had each other in the car for company. Nicer than getting lost in a bad part of town by yourself. Preston won’t remember you weren’t there. He probably slept through the whole thing himself. And Rob will probably get to meet your relatives for one of the holidays coming up.

  3. Ian

    Well think of it this way: if Rob kept his cool through all of that you know he’s the one. I would have been cursing like a sailor the whole time, to my girlfriend’s extreme discontent.

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