I try, I really try

Last night in the elevator, leaving work, I overheard a ridiculous conversation that really shook my faith in people. There were two men in the elevator with me.
“You should have seen the email I got today!”
“This email really showed what an idiot we have for president!”
“Right on!”
“There were pictures of this ass right after 9/11 reading a book… UPSIDE DOWN! Can you believe the idiot?”
“He is such a moron!”
“There was also a picture of him saluting the flag with the WRONG HAND!!”
“Let’s hope this blockhead doesn’t get re-elected!”
“Can you imagine what we would be in for if he is?”

I laughed. And of course they thought I was agreeing with them. On the flight back to Philly, the conversation kept echoing in my head. How could these two men actually believe that a man who made it to President of the United States has the IQ of a garden slug? If you don’t agree with him, at least have the decency to say, I don’t agree with his politics rather than calling him an idiot. Getting to where he is, accomplishing what he has accomplished, proves that the man is not dumber than dirt. On the other hand, trusting pictures that have been emailed to you does in fact make you look very, very silly.