Long Tall Sally

Songs of Tall WomenI am letting Pandora choose my music for me this morning and they just played Johnny Burnette’s song, All by Myself. This song contains the lyrics:

Well I got a girl who’s six feet tall
Sleeps in the kitchen with her feet in the hall
All by myself, all by myself
I don’t need no-one to love her
Gonna love her all by myself

And it reminded me of the lyrics to My Girl Is Red Hot:

Well I gotta gal, six feet four, sleeps in the kitchen
With her face at the door but,
My gal is red hot – your gal aint doodley squat! (repeat)
Well she aint got money, but man she’s really got a lot.

I can’t help but feel there are more songs from the 50’s/60’s that reference 6 feet tall women. I can practically hear Little Richard singing something similar but I can’t put my finger on it.

Can you think of any other songs about tall women sleeping with their feet out the door?

11 thoughts on “Long Tall Sally

  1. B. Davis

    That musical niche is ultra-narrow….women with big feet sticking out the door?

    This doesn’t exactly fit the bill, but how about “Island Girl” by Elton John? Not the most wholesome lyrics, but the song got a lot of airplay:

    “I see your teeth flash, Jamaican honey so sweet
    Down where Lexington cross 47th Street
    She’s a big girl, she’s standing six foot three
    Turning tricks for the dudes in the big city”

  2. Donna Post author

    I didn’t say anything about BIG FEET, B.Davis! Just tall. Of course, big feet go with the territory when you are tall.

    Years ago, I bemoaned my big feet and my father said to me, “Donna, you are a tall girl, if you had small feet, you’d fall over come a breeze!”

    And somehow that made me feel better.

    I am not ashamed by the size of my feet…. I am ashamed at how ugly they are but not by their size.

  3. B. Davis

    Aw, C’mon. Your feet are practically the least visible part of your personage. I wouldn’t worry a moment about them.

  4. Audra

    I actually know whose feet those were in the picture–they’re Frodo Baggins’. I’m such a nerd!

  5. Pingback: Another Tall Girl Song — donnaville

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