Just you shut your mouth

I entered church on Sunday and a large bolt of lightning did not strike me dead. I held baby Fiona over the baptismal font and father Chris doused her with holy water. My favorite part of the ceremony was when we were instructed to recite, “Lord Hear Our Prayer” and each time we repeated it, little Fiona’s butt tooted.

I was just talking to a friend who told me how his family celebrates Passover… I was pretty shocked how uninformed I am regarding Jewish holidays. I thought it was just a meal but it’s quite an undertaking that resembles a massive Spring Cleaning. I need to do Spring Cleaning and I think making it official with a holiday is just the right kind of push.

This morning I read an article about echolocation. The article profiled this blind guy who is able to practically see using echolocation. I’ve spent a good part of the day clucking my tongue trying to echolocate the monitor in front of me to no avail. Clucking my tongue has made me think of that crazy movie, “The God’s Must Be Crazy.” Do you remember that movie? It was awesome, I recall.

I have so much work to get done today… STILL. The reason is instead of catching up on unfinished work on Saturday, I finished my book and sent it to the printing company instead. Soon I will be ordering a proof and then I will be selling copies on Amazon! I can barely wait!

2 thoughts on “Just you shut your mouth

  1. gerald harrington

    The God’s Must Be Crazy was a hoot! Just plain funny. Some of it was like a Dudley Do-Right cartoon. I’d love to see it again.

  2. B. Davis

    Hopefully, little Fiona will not be taught to worship
    a bottle of Coke. She should worship Dr. Pepper instead.

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