Your Breast Friend

I went to San Jose a few weeks ago. Got a tour of my favorite Social Network’s HQ. Instead of being impressed, I found myself feeling sad. All those little Millenials, walking around, looking identical to each other — living in a weird microcosmic environment that doesn’t appear to reflect anything that I experience in business yet making massive decisions that will undoubtedly affect me… ugh!

The good news is when I got back home, Jed stopped nursing and so after 2 years and 2 and a half months, I am done with breastfeeding. I might feel more wistful if I hadn’t done it for 4 years straight. I am happy to take back my body and boobies.

In other news, Jimmy keeps saying, “Mommy, you are my breast friend!”

“You are my breast friend, too, little guy!”

And today he turns 4-years-old! It’s almost hard to believe. The days are long but the years go fast.