Performance Review

I couldn’t help but notice I am posting WAY more since the death of my father and the abandonment by Pookie Bear.

Posting More Frequently

I think it has less to do with my dad and more to do with an increase in free time and no longer having to curb what I write because Pookie didn’t want me writing ANYTHING about him. This was pretty difficult since my life pretty much revolved around him. Whatever the reason, I can only hope that the increase in posts are an improvement. My father delighted in telling me that my blog had become an embarrassment. I think he’d tell me, “Quantity doesn’t equate to quality, Donna.”

I’ll eventually start dating again and that’s always fun recounting the terrible experiences. Perhaps it’ll get better again. Maybe I can get back to the heyday when I had 5 regular visitors and 90 entries a month. Practice makes perfect and I’ve only been maintaining a personal Website since 1996, spycaming since 1998, and blogging since 1999. I’ll find my way… eventually.

10 thoughts on “Performance Review

  1. B. Davis

    I’ll try to help you meet your monthly quota by posting
    more meaningless, embarrassing messages.

    (One can only imagine what your dear dad would have thought about those beaver comments. But you said he had a sense of humor, right said Fred?)

    In the interest of nit-picking journalistic accuracy, I think you meant to say that your life had “revolved” around Pookie. If being dumped by someone you cared for is “evolution”, God help us.

  2. Donna Post author

    He probably would have been a little ticked about the queaf remark but I figured I might as well deal with it rather than hearing about it in the comments. Plus… that entry that I linked to is still one of my favorites and I like to link to it when I can.

  3. Michael

    As a long time reader of your blog I must say it did get rather vanilla during the Pookie years, but we understood he didn’t want any mention in your blog. I think you even said at the time you didn’t have much to write about since the topic was off limits. So your updates became fewer and further between.

    Nice to see you back updating more regularly without any censorship too.

  4. B. Davis

    Haha. Your naughty sense of humor doesn’t go unappreciated. Nice clear use of English, eh?….my family doctor used to get ticked off at me whenever I’d use those double negatives. But old doc Hartmann was German, and you know how darned accurate those Deutschlanders are 🙂
    Nicht wahr? I’ll send you 3 or 4 more useless messages to meet your monthly goal.

  5. Donna Post author

    Don’t get the wrong idea… I am still censoring myself, just not to the same extent as before. I do have lines I try not to cross… religion, politics, bowel movements, or anything else that may embarrass me or my family. (The one time I did mention my politics, I lost half my audience, believe it or not)

    At any rate, let’s hope the 5 year detour into vanilla land is at an end!

  6. B. Davis

    I’m beginning to taste some chocolate sprinkles in your vanilla ice cream cone. Before long you’ll be serving up
    chocolate and strawberry. Decadent!

  7. Gomer

    Religion, politics, and bowel movements are the topics I went out of my way to cover when I was blogging.

    How in the world I ever got mixed up in this vanilla cake batter I’ll never know.

    Since I am recently unemployed I’ve had to give up the luxury of mobile broadband…of a phone at all come to think about it…so my Donnaville visits are fewer and further between. But I will continue adding variety to this otherwise bland landscape whenever I can visit.

  8. B. Davis

    Yesterday I saw a live performance of “Spamalot”.
    Now there is one fine example of a non-vanilla entertainment product. Lots of expletives, references to body parts and functions, homosexuality, and even a nifty and hilarious little number that boldly says that you can’t have a Broadway show without Jews. So all bases got covered — religion, gay marriage, toilet humor — oh, but it won the Tony Award for Best Musical in 2005.
    Stephen Sondheim….Rodgers and Hammerstein….Lerner and Lowe….Marvin Hamlisch….Leonard Bernstein…hmmm, maybe they’re right about Broadway.

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