Whuh huppint?

Where the heck did the day go? I was only going to work until 2ish but I got caught up in things and the next thing I know my tummy is roaring and I find myself eating a turkey drumstick over the sink wondering how it got to be 6:00.

I’ve decided I am going to really try to work at Twitter. I have stayed away because even though it’s an open network, the people seem very closed. So much etiquette and coded behaviors. So much crap. But I am going to keep at it. Let’s hope I survive.

Just today some person sent me a message:
@donnasxxxxxx {{friday hugs!!}}

What the freak is that? How the heck am I supposed to respond?
@twittertool {{uncomfortable hug back!!}}

There’s this guy I know who likes to brag that he has 5K followers. I just smile and nod but inwardly I am thinking he’s an idiot. It’s so very clear to me that the number of followers you have only means you have no life and spend all day following people who automatically follow you back. Or you have some app that just follows people automatically. I get a ton of follow notices every day. These people don’t want to follow me! They want me to follow them! And if I don’t, I find myself unfollowed within a day or two.

I am currently following 121 people. And I can’t keep up with the constant dribble. There’s this one woman who posts something every other minute. Usually it’s some inspirational quote. I want to hunt her down and do nasty things to her limbs. Yes, I realize that’s a lot of anger I have and it’s totally not healthy. I will unfollow her.

And the other thing I hate about Twitter? All the article posting. Read this, check this out, Here’s my latest blog post… There is simply not enough time in my life to read all the links to articles people are tweeting. But I would venture to say that there’s not enough time for these Twitterers to read all the articles they are posting.

All I can say is I wish Twitter was more like Facebook except more open and easier to connect with others. I enjoy reading my Friend’s Facebook status updates. Except when it’s an old friend who recently posted a YouTube video of him fondling himself. That was disturbing and I really wish I had clawed my eyes out.

Okay, done.

When did I become an old fuddy duddy?

6 thoughts on “Whuh huppint?

  1. B. Davis

    Did you see the movie Wall-E? That was not only a very well-done and entertaining animated feature, it was a satire on human existence in the future. A future in which everyone lays around eating and drinking all day, and nobody knows how to move their legs anymore so they’ve forgotten how to walk. That’s America’s future within 10 years when everyone is tethered to any electronic device 24 hours a day and 75% of the population has diabetes. As for me, I think I’ll go live in a cave. (Twitter = 140 character brain farts).

  2. Gomer

    You “officially” become a fuddy-duddy when you no longer see the personal benefit or enjoyment increase to technological advances. You will, as nearly all do, eventually encase yourself in the level of electronica you feel comfortable with and stagnate there. Future tech will become irritable to you as you see yourself unable to find one good use for it in your life. As you slowly become your parents, your luddite tendencies will exacerbate the tech gap until you are completely at peace with your inability to find people fondling their junk on the newest tech medium.

    It’s a delightful process.

  3. B. Davis

    Gomer — when I was a wee lad my television only picked up 5 channels, and the broadcasts were in glorious black and white. FM radio existed, but it played nothing but classical music and Montovani. There was no internet, no cable TV, no satellite radio, no digital cameras, no redlight cameras, no spy satellites, no personal computers, no DVDs, no smart phones….in other words, it was a world in which humans were important, not machines and gadgets. No one felt the “need” to be connected to strangers 24 by 7 by 365. And it was a much calmer, much more serene world. No manic “cyber Mondays” and “Black Fridays” and Sears open on Thanksgiving. It was a world that understood what the word “holiday” meant and that some things were more important than money and merchandise. Do you remember that world?

  4. rosalie

    B. Davis, Do I remember it? I still live it, I only watch about 5 channels and there is nothing on them worth watching. Thank God for books….they are the great escape. Books, not those machines that make it unnecessary to turn pages, etc….The computer helps me keep in touch with a few friends and relatives…the jigsaw puzzles and solitaire help me keep the old brain up and running. I also visit freerice.com for multiple thought exercises.

  5. B. Davis

    Rosalie, a voice of reason in the wilderness!
    Who needs (or has time) to watch 200 TV channels
    or listen to 150 radio stations? When I walk into
    a bookstore I’m amazed by the number of reading
    possibilities, but I don’t feel any overwhelming need to
    read everything there. (And now doing my best Dennis Miller imitation) As long as I’m on a rant, when did 5,000 people you’ve never met become “friends” on Facebook, and when did the word “holiday” mean that
    Sears stays open on Thanksgiving? I’m not shopping at
    Sears anymore (not that I did much anyway) because I consider their desire for another dollar on Thanksgiving Day to be sheer greed and patent abuse of their employees.

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