Goethe Baader-Meinhof Faction

Am I the only person who had no clue The Baader Meinhof Komplex film had even been made? Why didn’t anyone tell me about it? Hello! McFly?

I moved it to the top of my queue but watching the trailer I am a little worried that it might glorify The Red Army Faction rather than showing them rightly as murderers. And who plays Andreas Baader? Moritz Bleibtreu!!!! You might remember him as Lola’s Freund in Lola rennt (Run Lola Run!) or in Stadtgespräch? And checking out his IMDB film list I am now having HEART PALPITATIONS! An upcoming film of his is called: Goethe! Here’s the synopsis: Young law student Johann Wolfgang von Goethe is in love with Lotte, but Albert Kestner also laid an eye on her. YES!!! It’s like they’re casting Goethe in the middle of Die Leiden des jungen Werthers! Die Leiden des jungen Johann Wolfgang? I know, I know– it was loosely autobiographical but still! I am too excited for words right now!

Holy crap!!! He’s also starring as Mephisto in FAUST!

5 thoughts on “Goethe Baader-Meinhof Faction

  1. B. Davis

    Sounds to me like the Baader Meinhof Gang is the murderous German revolutionary equivalent of Che Guevara in Cuba and the Shining Path Marxists in Peru and the Weather Underground terrorists in the US. You can trace a straight line from those gangs to today’s more sophisticated radical tricksters like Barack Hussein Obama and Nancy Pelosi. Luckily in the US there is a counterbalance to the Hussein Obama / Baader Meinhof / Che Guevara / Noam Chomsky Marxists. It’s called the Second Amendment. When I was taking German in high school I read a little Goethe, and about the only thing I recall is his immortal
    “Du Bist Wie Eine Blume”.

  2. Donna Post author

    I think Du bist wie eine Blume was written by Heinrich Heine. My favorite Goethe poem and one I can recite from memory is: Wandrers Nachtlied which goes: Über allen Gipfeln / Ist Ruh, / In allen Wipfeln / Spürest du / Kaum einen Hauch;/ Die Vögelein schweigen in Walde / Warte nur, balde / Ruhest du auch. I also like Röslein auf der Heiden.

  3. B. Davis

    Du hast rechts! Ich bin ein Berliner! Sorry, I get my
    German poets mixed up. And my German supermodels.

    Now ain’t this purty, ma’am?

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