Last 7 days

I checked my Google Adsense Revenue Report and I pulled in a whole CENT over the last 7 days. ONE CENT! That is amazingly horrible. I always thought my site was priceless… I just didn’t realize how priceless. ONE CENT!

This adventure in website monetizing has taught me a lesson. I used to go out of my way NOT to click on advertisements on websites! I don’t really know why I did this but I did. Now I realize that this is really wrong. I should be clicking and buying items through the websites I frequent. This is how they are rewarded for putting out good content– content that I read and enjoy. In a way, you could look at it as the subscription fee they don’t require. Besides, I was spending the money anyway… why not make sure some of it goes to someone who deserves it?

I am thinking it would be cool to create a website directory in which blogs can list the products they hawk. This way when you are going to make a purchase, you can search the directory for the product you want to buy. The directory would list the different blogs that advertise it. You can then find a blog that you read and buy it from them so they get the commission. Now that’s a good idea!