
I am getting stuff accomplished! I awoke at 7:00 and the first word out of my mouth was a bad, bad dirty word that starts with an F. You see, I realized it was September and that parking ticket I was apparently late in paying back in May, the late fee is due in September and because I finally decided not to fight it, I needed to remit the late fee which was more than the original fee I paid that got to their office a day late. Yes I am fuming. Yes I begrudgingly paid the late fee. The reason I screamed a bad word is that I was worried I would have to pay another late fee. Hopefully not. It seems I got in right under the wire.

With the gestapo fee paid, I felt charged with energy and I started to go through my mail and I filed items that I am scared to throw away. I even ran to the post office and bought pretty flower stamps. I feel great! The next items of my list to accomplish are:
Vacuum and dust
Do a load of laundry

If I get this accomplished I will be one happy girl.

By the way, today is the last day I can reply, “32” when asked my age. Of course for the last few months I’ve pretty much considered myself 33– so it’s not a surprise and doesn’t feel odd.

3 thoughts on “Done!

  1. Harry Gumby

    Expenses for July and August?

    For your own long-term sanity, could I suggest filing every Sunday? I’ve been doing that for 10 years. Receiving timely reimbursement helps you in a lot of ways. Don’t lend your employer money, interest free.

  2. Audra

    Yeah, I’ve been nagging myself to do my expenses every week (or even every month, as opposed to 2 months). But somehow I always blow it off and boom, 2 more months have gone by. I have to get it done then because we don’t get reimbursed for expenses more than 2 months old.

    I thought you were taking off somewhere, Donna. Why are you at home doing laundry?

  3. Donna Post author

    I have always struggled to get my expenses done on time. I will do it on a Saturday, think that I will always do it every Saturday and then the next Saturday comes and I don’t do it and the cycles begins again. It’s odd since I get money back but there’s just something about finding receipts and entering amounts that just drives me crazy. I hate doing it.

    At any rate, we are going somewhere– no idea as of yet where but we will take off to destination unknown probably on Monday or Tuesday. My cousin Sharon is in town and my mom is doing a BBQ so we are hanging around for that.

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